
3 Introductionl






















Welcome to Muslc 1300, Muslc: Its Language Hlstory, and Culture. The course has a number of lnterre- lated objectlVes:


  • To lntroduce you to works representatlVe of a Varlety of muslc tradltlons. These lnclude the repertolres of Western Europe from the Mlddle Ages through the present; of the Unlted States, lncludlng art muslc, jazz, folk, rock, muslcal theater; and from at least two non-Western world areas (Afrlca, Asla, Latln Amerlca, the Carlbbean, the Mlddle East, Indlan subcontlnent).
  • To enable you to speak and wrlte about the features of the muslc you study, employlng Vocabulary and concepts of melody, rhythm, harmony, texture, tlmbre, and form used by muslclans.
  • To explore wlth you the hlstorlc, soclal, and cultural contexts and the role of class, ethnlclty, and gender ln the creatlon and performance of muslc, lncludlng practlces of lmproVlsatlon and the lmpllcatlons of oral and notated transmlsslon.
  • To acqualnt you wlth the sources of muslcal sounds ;lnstruments and Volces from dlfferent cultures, found sounds, electronlcally generated sounds; baslc prlnclples that determlne pltch and tlmbre.

1 This content is available online at <http //cnx.org/content/m55722/l.l/>.




  • To examlne the lnfluence of technology, mass medla, globallzatlon, and transnatlonal currents on the muslc of today.


The chapters ln thls reader contaln definltlons and explanatlons of muslcal terms and concepts, short essays on subjects related to muslc as a creatlVe performlng art, blographlcal sketches of major figures ln muslc, and hlstorlcal and cultural background lnformatlon on muslc from dlfferent perlods and places.








Chapter 3



Music Appreciation: Its Language, History and Culture Copyright © by Daphne Tseng. All Rights Reserved.