
36 MP3 Peer Review Draft

Jahtae Madrigal
English 101
What does reading mean to you?

What does reading mean to you? To me, reading is a way that I can escape reality and become one with myself and not have to worry about the troubles that we face in society. Not only can I daydream while reading, but I am also improving my brain and memory functions as I age. Reading has many benefits and is something that people should explore more often. In the book, “Don Quixote”, he read so many books about chivalrous ideals that in his mind, he became a knight. I can make connections with this book in many ways. If more people started reading at least a book a month, I believe that we could grow together, and become more emotionally intelligent, and self-aware. Reading is something that should be more enforced in our education because of the advancement of technology and social media. Reading also allows me to express myself in many ways and explore different worlds whether fantasy or nonfiction.
When I read, I can almost dissociate from my surroundings and block out any noise to really get into the book. I like to imagine myself as a part of the story which helps me get a full understanding of what I am reading, and it also makes the book more interesting and exciting. In the book, Don Quixote, He read so much that he almost completely forgot about his duties at his home and even sold some of his land to buy more chivalrous books because he was so attached and sure that he was living that reality. “He became so absorbed in his books that he spent his nights from sunset to sunrise, and his days from dawn to dark, poring over them; and with little sleep and much reading his brains got so dry that he lost his whit’s” (Chapter 1). Although I have not lost my whit’s while reading a book I enjoy, in some ways I can make some sort of connection because, at one point in my life, I read books that I enjoyed so much that I was up all night reading it and wanting to relive what I read. I dreamed that I was part of the book and even tried to make my reality like what I would read. Like myself, the book states that Don Quixote was always fast asleep reliving every moment of the Chivalrous books that he read. “But what was very surprising, his eyes were shut all the time and he was fast asleep, dreaming of this encounter; for his imagination was so much engrossed by this adventure…” Although Quixote started to lose himself in reading, he was also building his brain functions and was a very intelligent man. Reading books about fantasy allows for people to express themselves in ways that others may not be able to do. When reading, it’s not just about what information you are getting out of it, or how popular the book is, but what it can do for you in the long run.
Did you know that almost half of the United States has only read one book in a whole year? “If we focus on US adults who engage with reading, 74% of Americans declare that they’ve read, even partially at least one book in 12 months” If more people started to engage in reading and improve their literacy, I believe whether someone is in school, working in a doctor’s office, or writing a letter for any reason, it would be beneficial in the long run in improving vocabulary and correct punctuation which does matter with anything that you do.  You’re probably wondering how reading can possibly benefit you. Studies show, “Using MRI scans, researchers have confirmed that reading involves a complex network of circuits and signals in the brain. As your reading ability matures, those networks also get stronger and more sophisticated.” Not only does it strengthen your brain, but research also shows that people who enjoy reading fiction are able to show more compassion and sympathy towards others. “People that read fiction—stories that explore the inner lives of characters—show a heightened ability to understand the feelings and beliefs of others.” I can make connections to this because as someone who mostly reads fiction and fantasy, I feel as though I can empathize with people more often than others and show a sense of awareness to my surroundings. Another benefit of reading is reduced stress. When I read, I can shut everything out and only focus on my book whereas when I do not have my book, I tend to think about so many things all at once which causes me to become overwhelmed. According to Healthline, studies show that “30 minutes of reading lowered blood pressure, heart rate, and feelings of psychological distress.” Once people are able to realize that social media is a distraction from reality and causes people to lose cognitive skills, we can all become more emotionally intelligent and self-aware. Another thing I could say reading does is build concentration. People with ADHD have a hard time concentrating on almost anything and reading is something that can act as a balance. Studies show that reading can help draw people in to concentrate better. “However their cognitive prowess will be relatively lower when compared with a person who engages in regular mental exercises. Today, ADHD is becoming more prevalent due to a rise in stress levels at all ages. It seems that with the rise of technology life moves at a faster pace,people want things now, and this effect can be seen in the younger generation”.

.   Social media has become so normalized that the world has forgotten about books.
Like most people, I have multiple social media apps that I tend to use. I think everyone is aware that most young adults would rather pick up a cell phone rather than a book which is normal considering we all mostly enjoy socializing with friends and showing off something new we got or a vacation we just went on. While it’s not a terrible thing that people are choosing cell phones over books, social media and technology are a huge distraction from what primarily matters which is building knowledge and showing growth in literacy.  Statistics show, “The scores for 2022 marked the lowest results recorded since the OECD testing began. Reading scores fell by 10 points, and math fell by 15 points… The researchers noted that countries that showed the poorest scores were associated with high rates of mobile phone use”. This shows that phone usage impacts students’ learning and testing abilities by a large number. I believe that if we all just incorporated at least ten minutes a day of reading, we could start seeing a lot of growth. Not only does social media distract young adults from education, but it also has a big impact on mental health. A survey shows that “Teens who spend more than three hours a day on social media face twice the risk of experiencing mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety”. Reading does the complete opposite and can lower depression and anxiety. “ Reading can even relax your body by lowering your heart rate and easing the tension in your muscles”. If you really pay attention, you will notice that once cell phones were introduced, the depression rates started to rise significantly. “ Rates of adolescent depression increased from 8.1% in 2009 to 15.8% in 2019”. This shows that since phones came out in 2007, the overindulgence in cell phones impacted the US greatly and we now see high rates of depression and anxiety.
In conclusion, reading is very beneficial in the long run and if you find the right book it can be something you begin to enjoy. I enjoy reading because it allows me to escape reality and just get into my own world. When I read I feel invincible almost like Don Quixote felt when he believed he was a knight. If we incorporate reading in our day whether it’s an article, book, audiobook, or newspaper; we could grow in our literacy, become more emotionally intelligent, and become more self-aware.  Limiting social media and technology usage could also be beneficial. By doing that we could start seeing lower depression rates and higher test scores. In all, reading is one of the best forms of growing brain functions, learning what you like, and expressing your emotions. Why don’t we challenge ourselves and pick up a book a day and read 10 minutes, I guarantee you will start to see changes within less than a month!

Spectrum News NY1 | New York City. (n.d.). Spectrum News NY1. Spectrum News NY1 | New York City. (n.d.-b). Spectrum News NY1. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs
UnitedHealthcare. (n.d.). Being there for what matters [Video]. UnitedHealthcare.
Homepage – NAMI California. (2022, December 28). NAMI California. https://namica.org/

National Center for Biotechnology Information. (n.d.). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

ADHD and the benefits of reading | Bangkok International Hospital. (n.d.). https://www.bangkokinternationalhospital.com/health-articles/disease-treatment/adhd-benefits-of-reading

Don Quixote. (n.d.). Goodreads. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3836.Don_Quixote






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