
24 I Love Subsidizing Depreciating Assets

I love cars and I love being entirely dependent on them.

If you are poor or disabled and therefore cannot own and operate a car, you should simply pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

I love how I have to be physically, mentally, financially and emotionally able to own and operate a car every single day in order to be a functioning member of society. We don’t need any alternative means of transportation because public transportation of any variety is impossible to implement unless the city has an extreme population density or is being designed in Europe. Bike lanes, busses, trolleys and even sidewalks have been rendered obsolete since the invention of auto oriented urban planning. Americas greatest inventions happen to be urban sprawl, bank drive-throughs and official means of government identification being a drivers’ license.

Car harm: A global review of automobility’s harm to people and the environment – ScienceDirect


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